Meet Black Girls Buy Houses

I’ll be honest. I don’t know much about the foreclosure process. In fact, the only time I can really recall hearing the word (or even thinking about it) is when I see a home listed for “cheap” and seeing that word next to the listing. 

The foreclosure process seems to be one you don’t know much about until you’re forced to, and by then it may be (or feel) too late. 

Especially when it comes to disparities and unfair treatment Black people face within the housing market & related processes.

Black Girls Buy Houses is a company that I stumbled on - almost literally. I saw their sign in someone’s yard while strolling through DC. I remember taking a picture to look them up later because the name made me curious.

Because, I mean, of course. Black girls DO buy houses, too. But I wanted to know why this queen decided it was time to make it a company. I wanted to know what the need was that she saw and sought out to fill. 

So here you go. Meet Sunday Mcllwain, Founder/CEO of Black Girls Buy Houses, LLC.


Why did you start Black Girls Buy Houses?

Before graduation, my mother passed away in 2013 and life took a turn. I was faced with lawyers and the people around couldn't help me much because they weren't familiar with the probate process either. 

An estate goes to probate if the deceased person died without a will. Luckily at the time, I was able to keep the property. Most of the time it gets sold through the court when you can make the sale yourself and notify the court. 

This whole process amazed me, and I wanted to help families through the same thing and educate them as well in other areas like divorce and foreclosure. 

I started Black Girls Buy Houses in 2015. Six months after I graduated undergrad. I always had an interest in real estate but never pursued it. My degree is in social work and I was also having a hard time deciding which field I wanted to be a part of and real estate was it. I get to serve the community and buy homes. 

Tell the readers a bit more about what you do with Black Girls Buy Houses. 

My business unfortunately begins with pain and distress. I buy and work with homeowners who are facing foreclosure, divorce, loss of a loved one, had a tenant destroy the property, or lastly but not limited to costly repairs that happen over time. 

By exposing my business, I aim to teach homeowners that want to sell their property, but are faced with other challenges, how easy and stress-less it can be. 

My business also helps owners save money. All offers are cash, and we pay all closing costs and no commission is involved. 

We make the selling process as easy as possible. Homeowners deal with us directly so no frequent guest viewing the property constantly like a real estate agent.

What’s one thing that you wish you knew before you started your business? 

One thing I wish I knew before starting a business would be the ability to be creative in everything. As a business owner you already feel creative because you are designing a business and creativing what's all involved within it. Creativity in business also comes along with designing logos, websites, social media posts, etc. I love being creative running the business, but graphic designing is the most difficult part of my creativity. When beginning my business, I forgot to put into consideration the creativity needed to promote and market the business. I was focused on being creative through how I wanted to help people, my signs, postcards, newsletters, and postage. All these components are important to make your business shine. My business began to suffer a little but instead of stressing out about what I'm not good at, I decided to outsource help to guide me through discovering and becoming more creative throughout my business.

What has been your biggest challenge? How are you overcoming it? 

Well since the pandemic started, hardly anyone wants to sell their house or can sell. Mainly because mortgage companies started a mortgage forbearance (Mortgage forgiveness program) for a year for people who were unemployed or misplaced from work due to Co-Vid and unable to pay rent. 

That was great assistance offered, so this also gives time for people to try to make income to pay it back. 

This forgiveness program was also offered to tenants who no longer work and gives them a chance to find employment. This has affected this whole real estate industry. Housing/ Landlord and tenant court are still closed as of now. 

Coming across a property to buy has been tough because there are others looking and willing to out bid the competition.

What fuels you to keep going?

The fuel that keeps me going is being the change I want to see in myself and the community. I come from a traditional African-American family who doesn't know much about their heritage besides what we're taught or researched. 

Based on that and the opportunities we’re given today, I don't want to let my ancestors down. By running a Black owned business, I want to set an example to not only to young Black girls but also the African-American community to let them know and teach them there are different ways of becoming a homeowner - even if they've faced the challenges that Black Girls Buy Houses helps. 

My motivation throughout this is to leave a legacy not only to my future children but the community as well. I've always imagined being in the real estate industry and that passion fuels me everyday. 

Who are the most influential people to you? 

The most influential person to me is my mother. Although she is gone, she contributed a lot to my work ethic. She influenced me to not be afraid of trying different opportunities because you're not familiar with it. Her teachings resonate with me everyday. 

I'm also influenced by Tyra Banks and Grant Cardone. Tyra Banks influences me by her work ethic. She takes what she loves and creates a business out of it. Same way how I came up with Black Girls Buy Houses. 

I'm all for my heritage, I'm all for women empowerment, and I buy houses. What a great combination. Grant Cardone is a phenomenal real estate investor. He set high goals for not only himself but his company. He influences me to be my best and aim high in real estate. 

If you were given a blank check for your business, what would you spend it on? 

If I were to be given a blank check, I would use it to help expand my marketing to other areas to build relationships with others who are looking to get into real estate and homeowners who are looking for alternatives when selling their house. 

I would also use it to expedite a goal of mine to construct and open a 24 hour center to help homeless people especially those with mental illnesses. The center would be available to them for holistic healing, meditation, activities, showering and hygiene, and food. 

Currently 10% off our profit goes back to the homeless to buy them essential needs and food. 

What does “empowered by melanin” mean to you?

Empowered by Melanin means to me living everyday like you are your ancestors living out their dreams. Our ancestors had so much they accomplished or wanted to accomplish but couldn't because they were stopped or weren't allowed. 

We owe our respect to them to showcase our melanin through the opportunities we're given today. Along with opportunities being taken, our sense of love and community was taken as well. It is important to uplift and collaborate with other Empowered By Melanin allies because it grows our network and also helps with supporting black businesses. 

My melanin is forever a part of me and I'm forever dedicated to Empowered by Melanin.

Last thoughts? 

My team and I are eager to help more homeowners again just as we did prior to the pandemic. We serve the community to help them learn about their options when facing these stressful situations. 

For example, many are still at risk of facing foreclosure due to the pandemic. Many are already familiar with, if they don't pay their mortgage then the bank holds a foreclosure auction to get the amount owed on the property. 

While this process seems to help the homeowner, this only helps the bank and attorneys involved. 

Black Girls Buy Houses can completely stop the foreclosure prior to the auction. We have closed in as little as 3 days.  

We come in and help this process by paying the mortgage owed as well as money for the homeowner to have too. At the auction, the homeowners credit is affected and if the property sells more than the mortgage owed, the owners don't receive anything. 

Once a foreclosure is on your credit it is nearly impossible to get housing because it looks irresponsible to new mortgage brokers and rentals. 

We want to help, save, and educate homeowners through these processes.



I don’t know about you, but I’m inspired. It’s my belief and philosophy that if you see a gap (anywhere in life) and you have a passion for it to no longer exist, create a business around exactly that.


Just like Sunday did with Black Girls Buy Houses.


If you are looking to sell your house, need to be saved from foreclosure, or simply being asked to make too many changes/ repairs by your realtor, Black Girls Buy Houses are ready to buy your house. They will provide all cash offers along without any commissions or additional fees. Black Girls Buy Houses can close as quickly as you need to sell. Please visit for more information.

Follow them on Instagram: @blackgirlsbuyhouses2 , Facebook: Black Girls Buy Houses , and LinkedIn: Black Girls Buy Houses or give us a call at 202-800-GIRL(4475). 


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