You Are Enough.

You are enough.

There is nothing external that can change this inherent truth.

It exists all on its own.

Without influence or opinion.

One of the biggest hurdles to realizing and believing that you are enough is in the application of your perception of value. Meaning what is valuable in your eyes. 

Our perception of what is worthy of a certain level of value is molded and altered by life experiences, the opinions of others, doors that have been closed in our face, society’s pressures, and so many other things. Each of these has the ability to distort what we hold valuable on a personal & inner-sourced level. 

And yet. None of these things actually affect your enough’ness. 

What you perceive as the building blocks and foundation of what holds value, doesn’t matter in this case. 

So what happens when you're struggling to believe you are enough?

It’s time to put in some work.

Let’s talk about how you can get to a place of internalizing how enough you already are.

In order to increase your faith and validate your righteousness:

Give yourself grace. Always. Not much in life is linear. Even when we reach a new height of greatness, there will always be trips, tumbles and fall backs. Lean into grace. In giving ourselves grace we create space to be fully human.There is no space for shame when we lead with grace. 

Forgive. Forgive first. Forgive for your inner peace. So often we attach the concept of forgiveness as excusing someone’s behavior, or as validating that it was okay for someone to hurt us like they did. Let’s move on from that. Truly what forgiveness is is an internal conversation and validation. It’s more of a ‘hey, I know what just happened hurt you deeply & you are working through the pain of why you were in that situation and the anger of someone having the access and audacity to take advantage of that shared space’, AND you can forgive yourself for being human. Take a deep breath, allow the truth of what happened to remain and choose to take from the experience what you need & move on with the rest. Forgiveness is a YOU thing. In forgiving you reteach yourself how to fly.

Pour with intention. Into yourself. In those around you. Into your work. Into your space. See yourself as the source of joy in your life.

Choose vulnerability. Ask yourself what really scares you about being vulnerable. In my experience, my assessment of risk usually falls on the side of what I have to lose. However, my perception of loss is also generally not complete. There is also loss in the ‘not doing’ & the ‘not trying’. If we are paralyzed by fear of what can be lost, shouldn’t we also consider what is lost by way of avoiding what could also be gained? Know and have faith that you have everything you need to not just survive, but also to thrive. Because of that nothing will knock you down for long. Be vulnerable and endure the pain and disappointment that comes with the climb. Instead of that which comes with staying where you are.

Challenge your thoughts. Research where they come from. Find out whose opinion they are based on. Assess if they fit the narrative of your life and what you are trying to build. Are they necessary? How would you feel if you wrote down every thought you had in one day and shared them with those closest to you? Don’t let your thoughts run wild without supervision. Your thoughts create your reality, approach them with intention and correction. 

Use affirmations. If you’re in a space where self doubt, fear, whatever it is, is getting you down. Turn to affirmations. It removes the need for creativity, but with no less impact. Write them down. Post them around your house. Repeat them as you walk. Use them to your advantage & allow them to keep your vibration high.

Here’s one thing I know. There IS no blueprint here. There is no cookie cutter to use, and there is no box to fit in. 

You were meant to stand out. 


Operating from a place of knowing you are enough does not mean you are perfect. It doesn’t remove the consistent need for growth. It won’t remove you from having to do the work.

It simply means you are purposefully made to be here.

And that is most definitely something to lean into.


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