Why Empowered by Melanin

To empower is to give (someone) the authority or power to do something. Empower means you make (someone) stronger and more confident, especially in controlling their life and claiming their rights.

So, to be Empowered by Melanin  is to see and feel the ability to manifest your dreams come straight from the blessings that have painted your skin brown.

From the ancestors. From the thought seekers. The dreamers. To doers. 

Without your melanin you wouldn’t be who you are now and you wouldn’t have the power to become who you’re becoming.

Empowered by Melanin. 

Toxicity enters our lives in many different facets and via several different avenues. I have a vision to remove and smooth out the footprints of that toxicity. Layer by layer. Imperfect step by intrusive thought. 

A little at a time and with grace. 

I want to take you on a journey that encourages thought, exposes toxic thoughts & habits & gives space to create something new and worthy.

Our melanin gives us tremendous power to uplift and rise together. 

It sounds silly to say that we have the power to heal the world, but we do. And that starts with healing ourselves. It starts with healing the world directly around us.

When you’re empowered by melanin you’re leading the way. 

Everything I do with my brand and my business is a leap of faith. There is hardly a blueprint that I find relevant, but I do it because someone is singing in my veins - telling me one, that I have a story to tell and two, that everything I need I already have. 

The same is true for you.

Who are we to argue about the gifts that have been given to us? Who are we to say we don’t have what it takes, when the tools have been placed in our pockets? Who are we to stay silent when our voice can reach others? 

We learn so much about ourselves and each other in the doing. The peeking under the covers and gently pulling out what’s under there.

Growth happens when you can look at each difficult situation or feeling with grace & a willingness to understand, instead of wishing life was easy and smooth. 

It’s our divots and our crevices that we are supposed to be learning the lesson at hand in. When we continue to meet the same roadblocks and hurdles over and over again, it’s because we have not yet learned the lesson. We have not made friends with the root. 

Root rot won’t go away on it’s own. You need to break it up, absorb the excess, and replant in a new environment. Or just add new soil.

If you have root rot somewhere, your brain is unknowingly sending out incorrect signals to the rest of you. 

And it will continue. Until you face the music. 

Growth and healing isn’t easy. 

You are always worth the effort. 

You are worthy of joy. 

You are Empowered by Melanin.


Creating A Vision To Live By