Rewrite Your Story

We all have stories we tell ourselves, often without even realizing it. These stories can shape the perceptions we have of ourselves and the world around us. 

But what if the story you're telling yourself is causing you harm? 

Is there a way to break the cycle and tell a new story?

Let’s explore how to rewrite your inner narrative and create a better story…

The first step in rewriting your story is to identify it. Pay attention to your inner dialogue and the language you use when you talk to yourself. What are you saying? Do you focus on the negative, on what you can't do, or on what you don't have? Do you compare yourself to others and feel like you're not enough? Once you become aware of the story you're telling yourself, you can take the necessary steps to rewrite it.

The key to rewriting your story is to shift your focus from the negative to the positive - actually from the negative to a space of grace. Start by looking for evidence that the story you're telling yourself isn't true. Is there anything in your life that contradicts your negative narrative? Look for concrete examples of your strengths and successes. Once you have a list of those things create positive affirmations  or sayings that support the truth. Write those down and focus on repeating them to yourself every day.

Sometimes the old story we’re telling ourselves can be hard to let go of. It can be easier to cling to the familiar, even when it's no longer serving us. To move on, it can help to focus on the future. Make a list of goals and accomplishments you want to achieve, no matter how small. Then take one step forward each day, however small, towards making those dreams a reality. Every step forward is progress.

Rewriting your story takes time and effort, but it can be a powerful way to transform your life. 

And living a life that reflects your true potential and value in this world is always worth the time and effort. 

*Make sure you sign up for the Empowered by Melanin newsletter for support and journal prompts throughout the year.


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