The Road to Multiple Income Streams

There is no one way to be an entrepreneur. 

And I’m not a fan of those who try to put being an entrepreneur in a box. 

You can start and run a business on the side. Passively as an influencer. Full-time. Part-time. And any other way you see fit that speaks to your lifestyle, passion and desires. 

I truly believe that entrepreneurship (on some level) is for everyone. 

We all get started for different reasons - but one thing remains true. 

One of the more guaranteed ways of reaching a level of financial freedom and success is multiple streams of income. 

For me - I started because I was tired of being the only Black woman in the room. 

The only Black woman at work.

I wouldn’t completely say I was forced into entrepreneurship, but after I moved across the country and started sitting in on job interviews, every fiber of my being was saying “NOPE! Sis, we are done here.”

My first toe in the sand was with wine.
It made sense, it was something I already loved and spoke freely about. Nothing had to change. 

My second stream came when someone I was connected with in the wine space started their journey as a Beautycounter consultant. 

I started asking questions and was smacked in the face with some alarming facts about the ingredients in our personal care products and the relationship with the health issues many Black women face. I had to jump in and make my mark. It was one of those situations where I couldn’t unlearn what I now knew & I felt responsible to help educate others. 

My third stream came by way of being a social media manager and consultant. This one was a complete accident. I never saw it coming & sometimes I still don’t know how I got here! 

I’ll be honest, my biggest factor of success in this social media space is because I’m never afraid of being at the bottom, learning, putting in the work and rising my way to the top. 

My first client I was a volunteer for. I sought out an opportunity that was going to be low pressure and provided the space to simply learn - not only did I find that, but I created a long-lasting (and now lucrative) relationship with a company that continues to grow in the most amazing ways. 

I expanded my social media business spending time working with a social media agency as a consultant to now having my own clients. 

My fourth income stream is the blog and my personal social media accounts. I consult people on how or where to start to diversify their income and I work with brands and utilize my influence and presence. 

When you look at my overall entrepreneurship journey, you can see one thing remains true. I follow my heart and my passion.

I am at the point where I only take projects and clients who allow me to help make their pain points better. I enjoy giving back in spaces that allow Black women to lead and flourish. 

It’s not that following your passion means you don’t work, it’s truly that you will want to do the work. When your work is an extension of yourself, you don’t dread completing the tasks and pushing forward. 

There are so many paths you can take & I’ll be transparent - I believe you can and maybe even should change and alter those paths along the way.

Just like we personally evolve, grow and change, your businesses and entrepreneurship endeavors can flow with you. 

Here are some lessons I’ve learned along the way:

The first thing you need to do - regardless of what path you take - is get clear on your goal(s).

Next, work on your mindset. Find what processes and checkpoints you need to have in place daily to keep your mindset on the right wheel. 

Follow through, follow through, follow through. This applies to your to-do-lists, your emails, social media comments & messages, etc.

Also, Take care of yourself. Eat right. Hydrate. Complete your (at least) 4-step skincare routine. Get outside every day. Intentionally move your body. When you treat yourself well, you equip yourself with the tools to show up in all the other areas of your life. 

Last, learn to say no. Not everything is going to align with your spirit. Say no to everything that doesn’t. Leave that space open for something else. 

If I can give you anything to walk away with, it’s this - yes, you can do this. You absolutely can.


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