Starting Your Own Business

Let’s get this out of the way - Yes you can.

Whatever it is - I promise you actually CAN do it.

Have you been thinking about starting a business? Or maybe a side hustle? 

Either way, I’m sure you’re sitting on an idea that is waiting to have life breathed into it. 

What are you waiting for? 

It can’t just be that you are afraid of getting started. That’s for sure an excuse I’m not going to allow. 

The only thing you need to start any business (and I’m being honest here) is audacity. 

You have to have the audacity to one: take the first step and two: believe that you have what it takes.

Audacity. That’s your new word. 

That’s all it boils down to.

So, what idea has been picking at you? 

What can you do for hours unbothered? 

What are you always talking to your friends about?

That’s where your business idea is hiding. 

In plain sight. 

So here’s what you need to do. Make a list. Check one thing off each day or each week. 

Forward is progress. That includes small steps.

Here we go:

  • List what you’re passionate about

  • Which idea makes you want to get up in the morning?

  • What service can you provide around it? Product? Ebook? Coaching?

  • Choose name & domain

  • Secure social media platforms

  • File for EIN

  • Develop LLC

  • Create brand colors, fonts & logo

  • Decide on your brand & content pillars

  • Develop ideal client persona

  • Specify what your goal is with social media

  • Start collecting emails &  a newsletter

Doesn’t it feel good to have a plan? 

Now it’s time to get to work.

Tell me, what business can I expect from you? 

A month is enough time - I’ll give you a month.

Holla at your girl if you need guidance & accountability.

I’m rooting for you.


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